

[MEC id="43837"]  

5 years ago

Audio Books To-Finish

Currently I have no time to read anymore, books that I bought just stayed on the table without being touched.…

13 years ago

“Leaked” Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Character Screen From Harada

Harada "Leaked" on his twitter account (@Harada_TEKKEN) a screen with blurred out character list from a TTT2 machine for AOU.…

14 years ago

Cata here I come!

Ok, WoW Cataclysm Dec 7, no life mode again until i get to lvl 85... >.

14 years ago

No more online purchase for Nexus One

Broke my heart when I saw this on the Google Nexus 1 page... ='(

14 years ago

Geeks… Nerds… Dweebs… Dorks?

Found this image somewhere in the net and I forgot the address... Well this sums it all up.. LOL... Credit…

15 years ago

Android Development…What to make!?

Any ideas? ugh...

15 years ago


Got to start posting blogs again... hate procrastinating... hate my busy schedule....

15 years ago

2009 Christmas Wish List

Well Christmas is approaching again... hmmm... what should I start wishing for anyway? Let's see... Nexus One (On its way…

15 years ago

Muppets Viral!

THIS made my day... hahaha enjoy!

15 years ago