My WoW Addons

15 years ago

Thought I'd make a list of  WoW Addons I use just in case if forget.... Atlasloot Enhanced QuestHelper Cartographer Titan…

My Level 80 Hunter!!

15 years ago

Finally! after 2 years of playing WoW, I 'finally' reached the level cap for my Bloodelf hunter... rofl. Now the…

Utilities I Can’t Live Without…

15 years ago

Gave me an idea to make my own list after seeing the list from Process Explorer Autoruns Notepad++ Comodo…

Loque’nahak Tamed!!!

15 years ago

Finally tamed Loque'nahak after 2 days of camping in one spot in Sholazar Basin,Northrend. Loque looks awesome with its glowing…

Hong Kong Trip and Theme Update

15 years ago

Got back from Hong Kong last week and been missing that place for years. Been like 6 years since I…


16 years ago

Been wanting to buy a new laptop to replace my aging old Toshiba laptop and loh and behold, I came…

Oh Happy Day!

16 years ago

April 25, 2009.. happiest day and a day to remember for the rest of my life! =p Well this is…

Previous Post Rant…

16 years ago

Saw the Family Guy-Star Trek Episode last night and all I could say is 'meh'... What else can I say?…

The Family Guy + Star Trek TNG woohoo!!

16 years ago

Okok... I admit it... I'm a freaking sci-fi Star Trek fan! Here's a clip for their new show where they…

What a month…

16 years ago

Well that's it, I'm depressed... Doctor's orders to stop dancing. My Baker's Cyst came back, I'm in the 1-5%! [sarcasm]Yey!![/sarcasm]…