Old School Nostalgia

Looking back in the good old days where high speed internet was still a 28000 baud modem, consoles were as large as two shoe boxes side-by-side, TVs were as large as my current monitor, and games were 2-dimensional colored dots. *Sigh* The Good-Old-Days…

I started craving for the old games I played when I was young, especially Mario! Simple games that were fun and enjoyable, unlike the console we are using now that would have been used in a research lab looking for the cure of AIDS or HIV or what-not 15 years ago…

Went around the inter-web, googling for emulators and ROMS to play those old games. What luck that I happen to find a site the offered A LOT of those old school games from SNES. I was in heaven!! Mario! Megaman 1 – 6! Island Adventure 1-2! Ice Climber!! BATTLE CITY!!

What’s better than this? I don’t need to download any emulator to run the games! It runs off an emulated SNES off java applet! Thank You JAVA!!

If your an “old-schooler”, you should visit vnes. You wont regret it!

    Personal Favorites:

  1. Super Mario Brothers
  2. Battle City
  3. Wrecking Crew
  4. Elevator Action
  5. Ice Climber
  6. Megaman Series
  7. Island Adventure
  8. Mappy